Madaraka Express Advance Booking Online Without M-Pesa

If you want to travel aboard the trains between Nairobi and Mombasa, Madaraka Express Advance Booking is the key to a hassle-free experience.
By opting for advance booking, you can secure your seat well in advance, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey. Whether traveling for business, leisure, or any other purpose, this service allows you to plan your trip confidently, eliminating last-minute stress and uncertainties.
Trains Between Nairobi and Mombasa
Available Trains
Madaraka Express and SGR Intercounty Trains are part of Kenya’s modern railway system, offering efficient and comfortable transportation options.
Madaraka Express
This service comprises direct trains between Nairobi and Mombasa, providing a convenient and reliable connection for travelers between these two major cities.
There are four daily trains between the two cities (two departing at 3 PM in the afternoon and two departing at 10 PM at night). The afternoon trains make a short stop in Voi while the night trains are Express.
Below are the available Express trains between Nairobi and Mombasa.
- 03:00 PM: Train E1 from Mombasa to Nairobi
- 03:00 PM: Train E2 from Nairobi to Mombasa
- 10:00 PM: Train E3 from Mombasa to Nairobi
- 10:00 PM: Train E4 from Nairobi to Mombasa
SGR Intercounty Trains
These trains connect various counties within Kenya, expanding the reach of the railway network and enabling seamless travel between different regions.
There are two daily intercounty trains (both departing at 8 AM in the morning). These trains make stops at all intermediate stations along the Standard Guage Railway (SGR) line.
They include the following;
- Train N2 – Nairobi to Mombasa: (08:00 AM)
- Train N1 – Mombasa to Nairobi: (08:00 AM)
Train Classes
Madaraka Express trains offer two classes for passengers to choose from: Economy Class and First Class.
In Economy Class, passengers can enjoy comfortable seating with ample legroom, making their journey relaxing and pleasant. The Economy Class also provides power sockets for charging electronic devices and access to clean washrooms onboard. This class is an affordable option for travelers who value comfort and convenience.
For those seeking a more luxurious experience, the First Class on Madaraka Express trains is the perfect choice. Passengers in the First Class are treated to spacious and plush seating arrangements, often in a 2-1 configuration, offering extra comfort and privacy. The cabins provide a serene atmosphere, ensuring a peaceful journey. Additionally, First Class passengers receive complimentary snacks and refreshments, enhancing their overall travel experience.
What is M-Pesa
Mpesa is a local mobile money payment platform. To access Mpesa services, you need a Safaricom SimCard.
What is Madaraka Express Advance Booking
This is a service by Kenya Train Travel. It facilitates train tickets to international travelers who do not have M-Pesa. So, if you are visiting Kenya from Denmark, the United States, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland, South Africa, Rwanda, Germany, Belgium, and other foreign countries, and you don’t have M-Pesa, REACH OUT, and we will be able to assist you booking SGR tickets in minutes.
Benefits of Madaraka Express Advance Booking
The benefits of Madaraka Express Advance Booking are numerous. Firstly, it guarantees you a seat on your preferred date and time, especially during peak travel seasons when the demand for tickets tends to be high. With limited seating available, advance booking ensures you won’t be left disappointed or forced to adjust your travel plans.
Furthermore, advance booking allows you to choose between the two available classes on the two trains: economy class and the more luxurious first-class option. You can select the class that best suits your preferences and budget by reserving your ticket in advance.
How to Book SGR Express Tickets in Advance
By utilizing our Advance Booking service, you gain peace of mind knowing that your travel plans are secure and well-organized. So, whether you’re embarking on a memorable holiday, attending a crucial business meeting, or simply exploring the scenic beauty of Kenya’s landscapes, ensure a hassle-free journey by reserving your Madaraka Express tickets in advance.
To make your advance booking, you can conveniently access the Kenya Railways online booking platform or visit designated booking offices. The online system allows you to select your travel date, departure station, destination, and preferred class. The process is user-friendly and enables you to make secure payments, receive electronic tickets, and even manage any necessary changes to your booking.
However, if you don’t have M-Pesa, you need a third Party to facilitate the trains tickets booking. That’s where Kenya Train Travel comes in. We offer Madaraka Express Advance Booking services to international travelers who do not have Mpesa. Our process is straightforward. All you have to do is follow the steps below.
- Fill in the form below with your request.
- We will email you a price quote and the required information.
- You make the payment.
- We book your tickets and send you boarding pass details within a few minutes.
- Visit Kenya and enjoy your train ride.